Headshot of Deb Spector

Debra Spector

Provider Relationship Manager, Central Region
Debra Spector is the Provider Relationship Manager for ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders and Severe Malnutrition for the central region of the United States.

Debra Spector is a seasoned healthcare outreach professional. As the Provider Relationship Manager for central United States, Debra spends her time in the community building relationships with medical and behavioral health professionals as well as collaborating with the ACUTE clinical staff to provide education and access to care. Driven by her experience in both the medical and behavioral health sector, she enjoys that her unique role at ACUTE gives her the opportunity to work directly with providers when a client is in need of our services. Debra graduated from Tulane University with a Bachelor of Science and recently earned iaedp’s prestigious associate educational designation through the iaedp™ Institute on Eating Disorders.

If you are interested in connecting with Debra and learning more about ACUTE, please click this link and schedule a meeting through Calendly here.

ACUTE Earns Prestigious Center of Excellence Designation from Anthem
In 2018, the ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders & Severe Malnutrition at Denver Health was honored by Anthem Health as a Center of Excellence for Medical Treatment of Severe and Extreme Eating Disorders. ACUTE is the first medical unit ever to achieve this designation in the field of eating disorders. It comes after a rigorous review process.

Center of Excellence Logo