Events & Trainings for Professionals
ACUTE’s treatment providers are among the world’s leading experts in the medical treatment of medical complications of eating disorders and severe malnutrition. We are committed to delivering essential training and education to healthcare providers—both medical and behavioral—to improve identification and treatment of these complex and nuanced medical issues.

Request a Training
ACUTE’s experts can create a custom training based on the unique educational needs of your hospital system or practice. CEs and CMEs can be provided if desired and trainings can be delivered virtually. Topics may include:
- Grand rounds
- Medical complications of eating disorders
- Severe malnutrition & refeeding syndrome
- Nutritional rehabilitation and early refeeding of severely malnourished patients
- Behavioral health intervention for medically complex eating disorder patients
- Physical and occupational therapy for patients with severe eating disorders and malnutrition
- Severe eating disorder or legitimate gastrointestinal disease
- Atypical anorexia nervosa and weight disruption; medical complications in patients with normal or above normal BMI
- Medical management of diabetes and eating disorders
- ER “frequent flyers:” Screening for eating disorders in repeat patients with vague complaints who don’t seem to improve
Or select a CE presentation from our current catalogue.
ACUTE CE Catalogue
Social Work Triage: Identifying and Treating Eating Disorders in a Medical Hospital Setting
In this 1 credit hour presentation we will summarize DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for common eating disorders, discuss associated medical complications and explain appropriate interventions. This will include providing guidelines on how to identify an eating disorder, case examples, levels of care in eating disorder treatment, role of social work/care management and how to initiate a referral to the right level of care. *Speakers may vary.
Nutritional Rehabilitation and Early Refeeding of the Severely Malnourished Patient
This 1 credit hour presentation is to help provide education for nutrition professionals on how to nourish a severely malnourished patient. It will help to shine light on medical complications that can arise from anorexia nervosa and provide education on appropriate medical nutrition therapy to help patients heal from these medical complications. It will also provide information on using enteral and parenteral nutrition in this patient population. *Speakers may vary.
Assessing for Severe Eating Disorders and Related Medical Complications in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
In this 1 credit hour course, hospital-based nursing and case management providers learn how to effectively assess, determine and refer patients with severe and complicated forms of eating disorders and malnutrition. Nurses should be skilled at spotting disordered eating among an array of clinical presentations because people engaged in disordered eating are hesitant to volunteer such information. In addition to the shame associated with disordered eating is the stigma associated with psychiatric treatment. *Speakers may vary.
Mental Health Issues on the Rise: What to Look for and How You Can Help
Our nation is facing a mental health crisis which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This 1 credit hour presentation will help familiarize you with some of the most common, and most life-threatening, mental health disorders in today’s age with a focus on eating disorders. You will learn of what signs or symptoms to look for, how mental health issues have risen during the COVID-19 pandemic and how you can support someone who is struggling. The presentation serves as a roadmap to increase your confidence and competence surrounding mental health, as well as provide resources for education and treatment. *Speakers may vary.
The Intersection of Good Intention and Effective Intervention: Why Specialized Medical Stabilization Matters for Severe Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are often inextricably connected to serious medical complications, especially as the eating disorder becomes more severe and chronic. Therefore, expert medical care is required to care for these patients when their eating disorder has progressed in order to efficiently and effectively begin the medical stabilization process. This 1.5 credit hour course will inform how and when to access specialized medical stabilization in order to effectuate progress towards a sustained recovery from an eating disorder. *Speakers may vary
Complex Intervention When It Matters Most: a Case Study Review
In this 1.5 credit hour course, this session utilizes case studies to explore common yet complex patient profiles who benefit from inpatient medical stabilization prior to inpatient behavioral care. Case illustrations cover topics including tube-feeding, refeeding psychosis, purging detox/edema management, atypical anorexia nervosa/weight disruption, malnutrition/MAI, involuntary treatment and adolescents with extreme eating disorders. *Speakers may vary
Strength, Mobility and Engagement: Physical and Occupational Therapy for Patients With Eating Disorders
In this 1 credit hour course, the learners examine how restoring strength, mobility and engagement capabilities through skilled rehabilitation services—physical therapy and occupational therapy—yields tremendous value for physical and mental health in patients with severe and extreme eating disorders. Clinical definitions, practical application and research related to physical and occupational therapy will be complemented with case studies illustrating the role these services play in restoring physical, cognitive and emotional engagement in treatment. *Speakers may vary
Continuing education credits will be provided in partnership with Eating Recovery Center, LLC. Materials are appropriate for learners with an introductory level of understanding about mental health concerns. All Eating Recovery Center, LLC sponsored educational activities are presented in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require accommodations, please contact Wendy Mathes at wendy.mathes@ercpathlight.com.